Bon Art magazine. Pere Gifre interview.

Una força creativa inunda, impacta i remou cadascun dels seus projectes. Ordre i caos, creació i destrucció, en l’obra de Pere Gifre per Sílvia Muñoz d’Imbert Pere Gifre (Figueres 1974) prové del mític però no menys real Empordà, un indret que ha estat el marc...

INTERFACE – Obra Social Caixa Penedès

INTERFACE – OBRA SOCIAL CAIXÀ PENEDÈS Location: Vilafranca del Penedès(Spain) Exhibition: 7 july- 12 aug2012 Opening: 6 july- 19h30 OBRA SOCIAL CAIXA PENEDÈS in collaborations with BON ART and IKONIC presents a new showroom about INTERFACE.... 2011 2011 BEYOND THE SCREEN Think Beyond the Screen. Be free of plug-ins. Think in terms of multiple concepts and strategies to be implemented in all areas in exceptional circumstances and thereby achieve the definition of new realities. To create Beyond the...

elBulli foundation – work in progress

When will the Foundation be set up? At the present time, we are looking at all the legal requirements, but the idea is to set it up in 2013. However, we may be able to conclude this process earlier and consequently start beforehand After taking the decision to change...

Documentary elBulli · Artwork · Part 2

Documentary elBulli · Artwork · Part 2 Here is some of the conceptual art work that I did for the next documentary that we are preparing for elBulli based on the art of their techniques, processes and elaborations. Production: Fantastic Orange Tree Director: Pere...